Abstract:Deep learning methods have been exerting their strengths in long-term time series forecasting. However, they often struggle to strike a balance between expressive power and computational efficiency. Here, we propose the Coarsened Perceptron Network (CP-Net), a novel architecture that efficiently enhances the predictive capability of MLPs while maintains a linear computational complexity. It utilizes a coarsening strategy as the backbone that leverages two-stage convolution-based sampling blocks. Based purely on convolution, they provide the functionality of extracting short-term semantic and contextual patterns, which is relatively deficient in the global point-wise projection of the MLP layer. With the architectural simplicity and low runtime, our experiments on seven time series forecasting benchmarks demonstrate that CP-Net achieves an improvement of 4.1% compared to the SOTA method. The model further shows effective utilization of the exposed information with a consistent improvement as the look-back window expands.