Abstract:In this article we focus firstly on the principle of pedagogical indexing and characteristics of Arabic language and secondly on the possibility of adapting the standard for describing learning resources used (the LOM and its Application Profiles) with learning conditions such as the educational levels of students and their levels of understanding,... the educational context with taking into account the representative elements of text, text length, ... in particular, we put in relief the specificity of the Arabic language which is a complex language, characterized by its flexion, its voyellation and agglutination.
Abstract:The following study presents a collocation extraction approach based on clustering technique. This study uses a combination of several classical measures which cover all aspects of a given corpus then it suggests separating bigrams found in the corpus in several disjoint groups according to the probability of presence of collocations. This will allow excluding groups where the presence of collocations is very unlikely and thus reducing in a meaningful way the search space.
Abstract:In this memory we made the design of an indexing model for Arabic language and adapting standards for describing learning resources used (the LOM and their application profiles) with learning conditions such as levels education of students, their levels of understanding...the pedagogical context with taking into account the repre-sentative elements of the text, text's length,...in particular, we highlight the specificity of the Arabic language which is a complex language, characterized by its flexion, its voyellation and its agglutination.