Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) enables clients to collaboratively train a global model using their local datasets while reinforcing data privacy. However, FL is susceptible to poisoning attacks. Existing defense mechanisms assume that clients' data are independent and identically distributed (IID), making them ineffective in real-world applications where data are non-IID. This paper presents FedCLEAN, the first defense capable of filtering attackers' model updates in a non-IID FL environment. The originality of FedCLEAN is twofold. First, it relies on a client confidence score derived from the reconstruction errors of each client's model activation maps for a given trigger set, with reconstruction errors obtained by means of a Conditional Variational Autoencoder trained according to a novel server-side strategy. Second, we propose an ad-hoc trust propagation algorithm based on client scores, which allows building a cluster of benign clients while flagging potential attackers. Experimental results on the datasets MNIST and FashionMNIST demonstrate the robustness of FedCLEAN against Byzantine attackers in non-IID scenarios and a close-to-zero benign client misclassification rate, even in the absence of an attack.