Abstract:Beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surface (BD-RIS) is a family of RIS architectures more flexible than conventional RIS. While BD-RIS has been primarily analyzed assuming uni-polarized systems, modern wireless deployments are dual-polarized. To address this gap, this paper investigates the fundamental limits of dual-polarized BD-RIS-aided systems. We derive the scaling laws governing the performance of BD-RIS and the Pareto frontier of the trade-off between performance and circuit complexity enabled by BD-RIS. Theoretical results show that the group-connected RIS with group size 2 provides remarkable gains over conventional RIS in both Rayleigh and line-of-sight (LoS) channels, while maintaining a reduced circuit complexity.
Abstract:Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) is a breakthrough technology enabling the dynamic control of the propagation environment in wireless communications through programmable surfaces. To improve the flexibility of conventional diagonal RIS (D-RIS), beyond diagonal RIS (BD-RIS) has emerged as a family of more general RIS architectures. However, D-RIS and BD-RIS have been commonly explored neglecting mutual coupling effects, while the global optimization of RIS with mutual coupling, its performance limits, and scaling laws remain unexplored. This study addresses these gaps by deriving global optimal closed-form solutions for BD-RIS with mutual coupling to maximize the channel gain, specifically fully- and tree-connected RISs. Besides, we provide the expression of the maximum channel gain achievable in the presence of mutual coupling and its scaling law in closed form. By using the derived scaling laws, we analytically prove that mutual coupling increases the channel gain on average under Rayleigh fading channels. Our theoretical analysis, confirmed by numerical simulations, shows that both fully- and tree-connected RISs with mutual coupling achieve the same channel gain upper bound when optimized with the proposed global optimal solutions. Furthermore, we observe that a mutual coupling-unaware optimization of RIS can cause a channel gain degradation of up to 5 dB.
Abstract:Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is a revolutionary technology enabling the control of wireless channels and improving coverage in wireless networks. To further extend coverage, multi-RIS aided systems have been explored, where multiple RISs steer the signal toward the receiver via a multi-hop path. However, deriving a physics-compliant channel model for multi-RIS aided systems is still an open problem. In this study, we fill this gap by modeling multi-RIS aided systems through multiport network theory, and deriving the scaling law of the physics-compliant channel gain. The derived physics-compliant channel model differs from the widely used model, where the structural scattering of the RISs is neglected. Theoretical insights, validated by numerical results, show a significant discrepancy between the physics-compliant and the widely used models. This discrepancy increases with the number of RISs and decreases with the number of RIS elements, reaching 200% in a system with eight RISs with 128 elements each.
Abstract:Beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (BD-RIS) generalizes and goes beyond conventional diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (D-RIS) by interconnecting elements to generate beyond diagonal scattering matrices, which significantly strengthen the wireless channels. In this work, we use BD-RIS for passive multiuser beamforming in multiuser multiple-input-single-output (MU-MISO) systems. Specifically, we design the scattering matrix of BD-RIS to either maximize the sum received signal power at the users following maximum ratio transmission (MRT), or to nullify the interference at the users following zero forcing (ZF). Furthermore, we investigate uniform/optimized power allocation and ZF precoding at the base station (BS). Numerical results show that BD-RIS improves the interference nulling capability and sum rate with fewer reflecting elements (REs) compared to D-RIS. In addition, at moderate to high signal to noise ratios (SNRs), passive interference nulling reduces the complexity at the BS by relaxing the need for precoding or water-filling power allocation design. Furthermore, the passive MRT with ZF precoding achieves a tight sum rate performance to the joint design considering MU-MISO scenarios with many REs while maintaining low computational complexity and simplifying the channel estimation.
Abstract:This work studies the wideband modeling and beamforming design of beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surface (BD-RIS), which generalizes and goes beyond conventional RIS with diagonal phase shift matrices to achieve enhanced channel gain. Specifically, we investigate the response of BD-RIS in wideband systems by going back to its hardware circuit realizations. We propose a novel wideband model which has simple expressions while capturing the response variations of BD-RIS for signals with different frequencies. With this wideband model, we propose a BD-RIS design algorithm for an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system to maximize the average rate over all subcarriers. Finally, we provide simulation results to evaluate the performance of the proposed design and show the importance of wideband modeling for BD-RIS.
Abstract:Beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surface (BD-RIS) extends conventional RIS through novel architectures, such as group-connected RIS, with scattering matrix not restricted to being diagonal. However, it remains unexplored how to optimally group the elements in group-connected RISs to maximize the performance while maintaining a low-complexity circuit. In this study, we propose and model BD-RIS with a static grouping strategy optimized based on the channel statistics. After formulating the corresponding problems, we design the grouping in single- and multi-user systems. Numerical results reveal the benefits of grouping optimization, i.e., up to 60% sum rate improvement, especially in highly correlated channels.
Abstract:Stacked intelligent metasurface (SIM) has emerged as a technology enabling wave domain beamforming through multiple stacked reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs). SIM has been implemented so far with diagonal RIS (D-RIS), while SIM implemented with beyond diagonal RIS (BD-RIS) remains unexplored. Furthermore, a model of SIM accounting for mutual coupling is not yet available. To fill these gaps, we derive a physically consistent channel model for SIM-aided systems and clarify the assumptions needed to obtain the simplified model used in related works. Using this model, we show that 1-layer SIM implemented with BD-RIS achieves the performance upper bound with limited complexity.
Abstract:Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is a key technology to control the communication environment in future wireless networks. Recently, beyond diagonal RIS (BD-RIS) emerged as a generalization of RIS achieving larger coverage through additional tunable impedance components interconnecting the RIS elements. However, conventional RIS and BD-RIS can effectively serve only users in their proximity, resulting in limited coverage. To overcome this limitation, in this paper, we investigate distributed RIS, whose elements are distributed over a wide region, in opposition to localized RIS commonly considered in the literature. The scaling laws of distributed BD-RIS reveal that it offers significant gains over distributed conventional RIS and localized BD-RIS, enabled by its interconnections allowing signal propagation within the BD-RIS. To assess the practical performance of distributed BD-RIS, we model and optimize BD-RIS with lossy interconnections through transmission line theory. Our model accounts for phase changes and losses over the BD-RIS interconnections arising when the interconnection lengths are not much smaller than the wavelength. Numerical results show that the performance of localized BD-RIS is only slightly impacted by losses, given the short interconnection lengths. Besides, distributed BD-RIS can achieve orders of magnitude of gains over conventional RIS, even in the presence of low losses.
Abstract:Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is an emerging paradigm able to control the propagation environment in wireless systems. Most of the research on RIS has been dedicated to system-level optimization and, with the advent of beyond diagonal RIS (BD-RIS), to RIS architecture design. However, developing general and unified electromagnetic (EM)-compliant models for RIS-aided systems remains an open problem. In this study, we propose a universal framework for the multiport network analysis of RIS-aided systems. With our framework, we model RIS-aided systems and RIS architectures through impedance, admittance, and scattering parameter analysis. Based on these analyses, three equivalent models are derived accounting for the effects of impedance mismatching and mutual coupling. The three models are then simplified by assuming large transmission distances, perfect matching, and no mutual coupling to understand the role of the RIS in the communication model. The derived simplified models are consistent with the model used in related literature, although we show that an additional approximation is commonly considered in the literature. We discuss the benefits of each analysis in characterizing and optimizing the RIS and how to select the most suitable parameters according to the needs. Numerical results provide additional evidence of the equivalence of the three analyses.
Abstract:This work studies the modeling and optimization of beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surface (BD-RIS) aided wireless communication systems in the presence of mutual coupling among the RIS elements. Specifically, we first derive the mutual coupling aware BD-RIS aided communication model using scattering and impedance parameter analysis. Based on the obtained communication model, we propose a general BD-RIS optimization algorithm applicable to different architectures of BD-RIS to maximize the channel gain. Numerical results validate the effectiveness of the proposed design and demonstrate that the larger the mutual coupling the larger the gain offered by BD-RIS over conventional diagonal RIS.