Politecnico di Torino
Abstract:We consider temporal numeric planning problems $\Pi$ expressed in PDDL2.1 level 3, and show how to produce SMT formulas $(i)$ whose models correspond to valid plans of $\Pi$, and $(ii)$ that extend the recently proposed planning with patterns approach from the numeric to the temporal case. We prove the correctness and completeness of the approach and show that it performs very well on 10 domains with required concurrency.
Abstract:Answer Set Programming (ASP) has demonstrated its potential as an effective tool for concisely representing and reasoning about real-world problems. In this paper, we present an application in which ASP has been successfully used in the context of dynamic traffic distribution for urban networks, within a more general framework devised for solving such a real-world problem. In particular, ASP has been employed for the computation of the "optimal" routes for all the vehicles in the network. We also provide an empirical analysis of the performance of the whole framework, and of its part in which ASP is employed, on two European urban areas, which shows the viability of the framework and the contribution ASP can give.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel approach for solving linear numeric planning problems, called Symbolic Pattern Planning. Given a planning problem $\Pi$, a bound $n$ and a pattern -- defined as an arbitrary sequence of actions -- we encode the problem of finding a plan for $\Pi$ with bound $n$ as a formula with fewer variables and/or clauses than the state-of-the-art rolled-up and relaxed-relaxed-$\exists$ encodings. More importantly, we prove that for any given bound, it is never the case that the latter two encodings allow finding a valid plan while ours does not. On the experimental side, we consider 6 other planning systems -- including the ones which participated in this year's International Planning Competition (IPC) -- and we show that our planner Patty has remarkably good comparative performances on this year's IPC problems.
Abstract:Avoiding congestion and controlling traffic in urban scenarios is becoming nowadays of paramount importance due to the rapid growth of our cities' population and vehicles. The effective control of urban traffic as a means to mitigate congestion can be beneficial in an economic, environmental and health way. In this paper, a framework which allows to efficiently simulate and optimize traffic flow in a large roads' network with hundreds of vehicles is presented. The framework leverages on an Answer Set Programming (ASP) encoding to formally describe the movements of vehicles inside a network. Taking advantage of the ability to specify optimization constraints in ASP and the off-the-shelf solver Clingo, it is then possible to optimize the routes of vehicles inside the network to reduce a range of relevant metrics (e.g., travel times or emissions). Finally, an analysis on real-world traffic data is performed, utilizing the state-of-the-art Urban Mobility Simulator (SUMO) to keep track of the state of the network, test the correctness of the solution and to prove the efficiency and capabilities of the presented solution.