Abstract:Longitudinal monitoring of heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) can aid in tracking cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), sleep quality, sleep disorders, and reflect autonomic nervous system activity, stress levels, and overall well-being. These metrics are valuable in both clinical and everyday settings. In this paper, we present a transformer network aimed primarily at detecting the precise timing of heart beats from predicted electrocardiogram (ECG), derived from input Ballistocardiogram (BCG). We compared the performance of segment and subject models across three datasets: a lab dataset with 46 young subjects, an elder dataset with 28 elderly adults, and a combined dataset. The segment model demonstrated superior performance, with correlation coefficients of 0.97 for HR and mean heart beat interval (MHBI) when compared to ground truth. This non-invasive method offers significant potential for long-term, in-home HR and HRV monitoring, aiding in the early indication and prevention of cardiovascular issues.
Abstract:A multiple instance dictionary learning approach, Dictionary Learning using Functions of Multiple Instances (DL-FUMI), is used to perform beat-to-beat heart rate estimation and to characterize heartbeat signatures from ballistocardiogram (BCG) signals collected with a hydraulic bed sensor. DL-FUMI estimates a "heartbeat concept" that represents an individual's personal ballistocardiogram heartbeat pattern. DL-FUMI formulates heartbeat detection and heartbeat characterization as a multiple instance learning problem to address the uncertainty inherent in aligning BCG signals with ground truth during training. Experimental results show that the estimated heartbeat concept found by DL-FUMI is an effective heartbeat prototype and achieves superior performance over comparison algorithms.
Abstract:A multiple instance learning (MIL) method, extended Function of Multiple Instances ($e$FUMI), is applied to ballistocardiogram (BCG) signals produced by a hydraulic bed sensor. The goal of this approach is to learn a personalized heartbeat "concept" for an individual. This heartbeat concept is a prototype (or "signature") that characterizes the heartbeat pattern for an individual in ballistocardiogram data. The $e$FUMI method models the problem of learning a heartbeat concept from a BCG signal as a MIL problem. This approach elegantly addresses the uncertainty inherent in a BCG signal e. g., misalignment between training data and ground truth, mis-collection of heartbeat by some transducers, etc. Given a BCG training signal coupled with a ground truth signal (e.g., a pulse finger sensor), training "bags" labeled with only binary labels denoting if a training bag contains a heartbeat signal or not can be generated. Then, using these bags, $e$FUMI learns a personalized concept of heartbeat for a subject as well as several non-heartbeat background concepts. After learning the heartbeat concept, heartbeat detection and heart rate estimation can be applied to test data. Experimental results show that the estimated heartbeat concept found by $e$FUMI is more representative and a more discriminative prototype of the heartbeat signals than those found by comparison MIL methods in the literature.