Abstract:Social messages classification is a research domain that has attracted the attention of many researchers in these last years. Indeed, the social message is different from ordinary text because it has some special characteristics like its shortness. Then the development of new approaches for the processing of the social message is now essential to make its classification more efficient. In this paper, we are mainly interested in the classification of social messages based on their spreading on online social networks (OSN). We proposed a new distance metric based on the Dynamic Time Warping distance and we use it with the probabilistic and the evidential k Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) classifiers to classify propagation networks (PrNets) of messages. The propagation network is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that is used to record propagation traces of the message, the traversed links and their types. We tested the proposed metric with the chosen k-NN classifiers on real world propagation traces that were collected from Twitter social network and we got good classification accuracies.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a new data based model for influence maximization in online social networks. We use the theory of belief functions to overcome the data imperfection problem. Besides, the proposed model searches to detect influencer users that adopt a positive opinion about the product, the idea, etc, to be propagated. Moreover, we present some experiments to show the performance of our model.
Abstract:Nowadays, social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn become increasingly popular. In fact, they introduced new habits, new ways of communication and they collect every day several information that have different sources. Most existing research works fo-cus on the analysis of homogeneous social networks, i.e. we have a single type of node and link in the network. However, in the real world, social networks offer several types of nodes and links. Hence, with a view to preserve as much information as possible, it is important to consider so-cial networks as heterogeneous and uncertain. The goal of our paper is to classify the social message based on its spreading in the network and the theory of belief functions. The proposed classifier interprets the spread of messages on the network, crossed paths and types of links. We tested our classifier on a real word network that we collected from Twitter, and our experiments show the performance of our belief classifier.