Abstract:We study a multi-objective pure exploration problem in a multi-armed bandit model. Each arm is associated to an unknown multi-variate distribution and the goal is to identify the distributions whose mean is not uniformly worse than that of another distribution: the Pareto optimal set. We propose and analyze the first algorithms for the \emph{fixed budget} Pareto Set Identification task. We propose Empirical Gap Elimination, a family of algorithms combining a careful estimation of the ``hardness to classify'' each arm in or out of the Pareto set with a generic elimination scheme. We prove that two particular instances, EGE-SR and EGE-SH, have a probability of error that decays exponentially fast with the budget, with an exponent supported by an information theoretic lower-bound. We complement these findings with an empirical study using real-world and synthetic datasets, which showcase the good performance of our algorithms.
Abstract:In this paper we revisit the fixed-confidence identification of the Pareto optimal set in a multi-objective multi-armed bandit model. As the sample complexity to identify the exact Pareto set can be very large, a relaxation allowing to output some additional near-optimal arms has been studied. In this work we also tackle alternative relaxations that allow instead to identify a relevant subset of the Pareto set. Notably, we propose a single sampling strategy, called Adaptive Pareto Exploration, that can be used in conjunction with different stopping rules to take into account different relaxations of the Pareto Set Identification problem. We analyze the sample complexity of these different combinations, quantifying in particular the reduction in sample complexity that occurs when one seeks to identify at most $k$ Pareto optimal arms. We showcase the good practical performance of Adaptive Pareto Exploration on a real-world scenario, in which we adaptively explore several vaccination strategies against Covid-19 in order to find the optimal ones when multiple immunogenicity criteria are taken into account.