Abstract:Bias studies on multilingual models confirm the presence of gender-related stereotypes in masked models processing languages with high NLP resources. We expand on this line of research by introducing Filipino CrowS-Pairs and Filipino WinoQueer: benchmarks that assess both sexist and anti-queer biases in pretrained language models (PLMs) handling texts in Filipino, a low-resource language from the Philippines. The benchmarks consist of 7,074 new challenge pairs resulting from our cultural adaptation of English bias evaluation datasets, a process that we document in detail to guide similar forthcoming efforts. We apply the Filipino benchmarks on masked and causal multilingual models, including those pretrained on Southeast Asian data, and find that they contain considerable amounts of bias. We also find that for multilingual models, the extent of bias learned for a particular language is influenced by how much pretraining data in that language a model was exposed to. Our benchmarks and insights can serve as a foundation for future work analyzing and mitigating bias in multilingual models.
Abstract:Work on bias in pretrained language models (PLMs) focuses on bias evaluation and mitigation and fails to tackle the question of bias attribution and explainability.We propose a novel metric, the $\textit{bias attribution score}$, which draws from information theory to measure token-level contributions to biased behavior in PLMs. We then demonstrate the utility of this metric by applying it on multilingual PLMs, including models from Southeast Asia which have not yet been thoroughly examined in bias evaluation literature. Our results confirm the presence of sexist and homophobic bias in Southeast Asian PLMs. Interpretability and semantic analyses also reveal that PLM bias is strongly induced by words relating to crime, intimate relationships, and helping among other discursive categories, suggesting that these are topics where PLMs strongly reproduce bias from pretraining data and where PLMs should be used with more caution.