Abstract:We solve the problem of sparse signal deconvolution in the context of seismic reflectivity inversion, which pertains to high-resolution recovery of the subsurface reflection coefficients. Our formulation employs a nonuniform, non-convex synthesis sparse model comprising a combination of convex and non-convex regularizers, which results in accurate approximations of the l0 pseudo-norm. The resulting iterative algorithm requires the proximal average strategy. When unfolded, the iterations give rise to a learnable proximal average network architecture that can be optimized in a data-driven fashion. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach through numerical experiments on synthetic 1-D seismic traces and 2-D wedge models in comparison with the benchmark techniques. We also present validations considering the simulated Marmousi2 model as well as real 3-D seismic volume data acquired from the Penobscot 3D survey off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Abstract:We consider the reflection seismology problem of recovering the locations of interfaces and the amplitudes of reflection coefficients from seismic data, which are vital for estimating the subsurface structure. The reflectivity inversion problem is typically solved using greedy algorithms and iterative techniques. Sparse Bayesian learning framework, and more recently, deep learning techniques have shown the potential of data-driven approaches to solve the problem. In this paper, we propose a weighted minimax-concave penalty-regularized reflectivity inversion formulation and solve it through a model-based neural network. The network is referred to as deep-unfolded reflectivity inversion network (DuRIN). We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach over the benchmark techniques by testing on synthetic 1-D seismic traces and 2-D wedge models and validation with the simulated 2-D Marmousi2 model and real data from the Penobscot 3D survey off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada.