Abstract:We present a novel appearance model that simultaneously realizes explicit high-quality 3D surface mesh recovery and photorealistic novel view synthesis from sparse view samples. Our key idea is to model the underlying scene geometry Mesh as an Atlas of Charts which we render with 2D Gaussian surfels (MAtCha Gaussians). MAtCha distills high-frequency scene surface details from an off-the-shelf monocular depth estimator and refines it through Gaussian surfel rendering. The Gaussian surfels are attached to the charts on the fly, satisfying photorealism of neural volumetric rendering and crisp geometry of a mesh model, i.e., two seemingly contradicting goals in a single model. At the core of MAtCha lies a novel neural deformation model and a structure loss that preserve the fine surface details distilled from learned monocular depths while addressing their fundamental scale ambiguities. Results of extensive experimental validation demonstrate MAtCha's state-of-the-art quality of surface reconstruction and photorealism on-par with top contenders but with dramatic reduction in the number of input views and computational time. We believe MAtCha will serve as a foundational tool for any visual application in vision, graphics, and robotics that require explicit geometry in addition to photorealism. Our project page is the following: https://anttwo.github.io/matcha/
Abstract:Computer vision has long relied on two kinds of correspondences: pixel correspondences in images and 3D correspondences on object surfaces. Is there another kind, and if there is, what can they do for us? In this paper, we introduce correspondences of the third kind we call reflection correspondences and show that they can help estimate camera pose by just looking at objects without relying on the background. Reflection correspondences are point correspondences in the reflected world, i.e., the scene reflected by the object surface. The object geometry and reflectance alters the scene geometrically and radiometrically, respectively, causing incorrect pixel correspondences. Geometry recovered from each image is also hampered by distortions, namely generalized bas-relief ambiguity, leading to erroneous 3D correspondences. We show that reflection correspondences can resolve the ambiguities arising from these distortions. We introduce a neural correspondence estimator and a RANSAC algorithm that fully leverages all three kinds of correspondences for robust and accurate joint camera pose and object shape estimation just from the object appearance. The method expands the horizon of numerous downstream tasks, including camera pose estimation for appearance modeling (e.g., NeRF) and motion estimation of reflective objects (e.g., cars on the road), to name a few, as it relieves the requirement of overlapping background.
Abstract:Geometry reconstruction of textureless, non-Lambertian objects under unknown natural illumination (i.e., in the wild) remains challenging as correspondences cannot be established and the reflectance cannot be expressed in simple analytical forms. We derive a novel multi-view method, DeepShaRM, that achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on this challenging task. Unlike past methods that formulate this as inverse-rendering, i.e., estimation of reflectance, illumination, and geometry from images, our key idea is to realize that reflectance and illumination need not be disentangled and instead estimated as a compound reflectance map. We introduce a novel deep reflectance map estimation network that recovers the camera-view reflectance maps from the surface normals of the current geometry estimate and the input multi-view images. The network also explicitly estimates per-pixel confidence scores to handle global light transport effects. A deep shape-from-shading network then updates the geometry estimate expressed with a signed distance function using the recovered reflectance maps. By alternating between these two, and, most important, by bypassing the ill-posed problem of reflectance and illumination decomposition, the method accurately recovers object geometry in these challenging settings. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world data clearly demonstrate its state-of-the-art accuracy.
Abstract:We introduce a novel multi-view stereo (MVS) method that can simultaneously recover not just per-pixel depth but also surface normals, together with the reflectance of textureless, complex non-Lambertian surfaces captured under known but natural illumination. Our key idea is to formulate MVS as an end-to-end learnable network, which we refer to as nLMVS-Net, that seamlessly integrates radiometric cues to leverage surface normals as view-independent surface features for learned cost volume construction and filtering. It first estimates surface normals as pixel-wise probability densities for each view with a novel shape-from-shading network. These per-pixel surface normal densities and the input multi-view images are then input to a novel cost volume filtering network that learns to recover per-pixel depth and surface normal. The reflectance is also explicitly estimated by alternating with geometry reconstruction. Extensive quantitative evaluations on newly established synthetic and real-world datasets show that nLMVS-Net can robustly and accurately recover the shape and reflectance of complex objects in natural settings.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce 3D-GMNet, a deep neural network for single-image 3D shape recovery. As the name suggests, 3D-GMNet recovers 3D shape as a Gaussian mixture model. In contrast to voxels, point clouds, or meshes, a Gaussian mixture representation requires a much smaller footprint for representing 3D shapes and, at the same time, offers a number of additional advantages including instant pose estimation, automatic level-of-detail computation, and a distance measure. The proposed 3D-GMNet is trained end-to-end with single input images and corresponding 3D models by using two novel loss functions: a 3D Gaussian mixture loss and a multi-view 2D loss. The first maximizes the likelihood of the Gaussian mixture shape representation by considering the target point cloud as samples from the true distribution, and the latter improves the consistency between the input silhouette and the projection of the Gaussian mixture shape model. Extensive quantitative evaluations with synthesized and real images demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.