Abstract:Sports analytics has become both more professional and sophisticated, driven by the growing availability of detailed performance data. This progress enables applications such as match outcome prediction, player scouting, and tactical analysis. In soccer, the effective utilization of event and tracking data is fundamental for capturing and analyzing the dynamics of the game. However, there are two primary challenges: the limited availability of event data, primarily restricted to top-tier teams and leagues, and the scarcity and high cost of tracking data, which complicates its integration with event data for comprehensive analysis. Here we propose OpenSTARLab, an open-source framework designed to democratize spatio-temporal agent data analysis in sports by addressing these key challenges. OpenSTARLab includes the Pre-processing Package that standardizes event and tracking data through Unified and Integrated Event Data and State-Action-Reward formats, the Event Modeling Package that implements deep learning-based event prediction, alongside the RLearn Package for reinforcement learning tasks. These technical components facilitate the handling of diverse data sources and support advanced analytical tasks, thereby enhancing the overall functionality and usability of the framework. To assess OpenSTARLab's effectiveness, we conducted several experimental evaluations. These demonstrate the superior performance of the specific event prediction model in terms of action and time prediction accuracies and maintained its robust event simulation performance. Furthermore, reinforcement learning experiments reveal a trade-off between action accuracy and temporal difference loss and show comprehensive visualization. Overall, OpenSTARLab serves as a robust platform for researchers and practitioners, enhancing innovation and collaboration in the field of soccer data analytics.
Abstract:Image understanding is a foundational task in computer vision, with recent applications emerging in soccer posture analysis. However, existing publicly available datasets lack comprehensive information, notably in the form of posture sequences and 2D pose annotations. Moreover, current analysis models often rely on interpretable linear models (e.g., PCA and regression), limiting their capacity to capture non-linear spatiotemporal relationships in complex and diverse scenarios. To address these gaps, we introduce the 3D Shot Posture (3DSP) dataset in soccer broadcast videos, which represents the most extensive sports image dataset with 2D pose annotations to our knowledge. Additionally, we present the 3DSP-GRAE (Graph Recurrent AutoEncoder) model, a non-linear approach for embedding pose sequences. Furthermore, we propose AutoSoccerPose, a pipeline aimed at semi-automating 2D and 3D pose estimation and posture analysis. While achieving full automation proved challenging, we provide a foundational baseline, extending its utility beyond the scope of annotated data. We validate AutoSoccerPose on SoccerNet and 3DSP datasets, and present posture analysis results based on 3DSP. The dataset, code, and models are available at: https://github.com/calvinyeungck/3D-Shot-Posture-Dataset.