Abstract:Growing demand for high data rates is driving interest in the upper mid-band (FR 3) spectrum (6-24 GHz). While some propagation measurements exist in literature, the impact of vegetation on link performance remains under-explored. This study examines vegetation-induced losses in an urban scenario across 6-18 GHz. A simple method for calculating vegetation depth is introduced, along with a model that quantifies additional attenuation based on vegetation depth and frequency, divided into 1 GHz sub-bands. We see that excess vegetation loss increases with vegetation depth and higher frequencies. These findings provide insights for designing reliable, foliage-aware communication networks in FR 3.
Abstract:The design of cell-free massive MIMO (CF-mMIMO) systems requires accurate, measurement-based channel models. This paper provides the first results from the by far most extensive outdoor measurement campaign for CF-mMIMO channels in an urban environment. We measured impulse responses between over 20,000 potential access point (AP) locations and 80 user equipments (UEs) at 3.5 GHz with 350 MHz bandwidth (BW). Measurements use a "virtual array" approach at the AP and a hybrid switched/virtual approach at the UE. This paper describes the sounder design, measurement environment, data processing, and sample results, particularly the evolution of the power-delay profiles (PDPs) as a function of the AP locations, and its relation to the propagation environment.