Cognitive Science Lab, IIIT Hyderabad
Abstract:This paper presents the myEye2Wheeler dataset, a unique resource of real-world gaze behaviour of two-wheeler drivers navigating complex Indian traffic. Most datasets are from four-wheeler drivers on well-planned roads and homogeneous traffic. Our dataset offers a critical lens into the unique visual attention patterns and insights into the decision-making of Indian two-wheeler drivers. The analysis demonstrates that existing saliency models, like TASED-Net, perform less effectively on the myEye-2Wheeler dataset compared to when applied on the European 4-wheeler eye tracking datasets (DR(Eye)VE), highlighting the need for models specifically tailored to the traffic conditions. By introducing the dataset, we not only fill a significant gap in two-wheeler driver behaviour research in India but also emphasise the critical need for developing context-specific saliency models. The larger aim is to improve road safety for two-wheeler users and lane-planning to support a cost-effective mode of transport.
Abstract:Indian folk paintings have a rich mosaic of symbols, colors, textures, and stories making them an invaluable repository of cultural legacy. The paper presents a novel approach to classifying these paintings into distinct art forms and tagging them with their unique salient features. A custom dataset named FolkTalent, comprising 2279 digital images of paintings across 12 different forms, has been prepared using websites that are direct outlets of Indian folk paintings. Tags covering a wide range of attributes like color, theme, artistic style, and patterns are generated using GPT4, and verified by an expert for each painting. Classification is performed employing the RandomForest ensemble technique on fine-tuned Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models to classify Indian folk paintings, achieving an accuracy of 91.83%. Tagging is accomplished via the prominent fine-tuned CNN-based backbones with a custom classifier attached to its top to perform multi-label image classification. The generated tags offer a deeper insight into the painting, enabling an enhanced search experience based on theme and visual attributes. The proposed hybrid model sets a new benchmark in folk painting classification and tagging, significantly contributing to cataloging India's folk-art heritage.
Abstract:Functional MRI (fMRI) research, employing naturalistic stimuli like movies, explores brain network interactions in complex cognitive processes such as empathy. The empathy network encompasses multiple brain areas, including the Insula, PFC, ACC, and parietal regions. Our novel processing pipeline applies graph learning methods to whole-brain timeseries signals, incorporating high-pass filtering, voxel-level clustering, and windowed graph learning with a sparsity-based approach. The study involves two short movies shown to 14 healthy volunteers, considering 54 regions extracted from the AAL Atlas. The sparsity-based graph learning consistently outperforms, achieving over 88% accuracy in capturing emotion contagion variations. Temporal analysis reveals a gradual induction of empathy, supported by the method's effectiveness in capturing dynamic connectomes through graph clustering. Edge-weight dynamics analysis underscores sparsity-based learning's superiority, while connectome-network analysis highlights the pivotal role of the Insula, Amygdala, and Thalamus in empathy. Spectral filtering analysis emphasizes the band-pass filter's significance in isolating regions linked to emotional and empathetic processing during empathy HIGH states. Key regions like Amygdala, Insula, and Angular Gyrus consistently activate, supporting their critical role in immediate emotional responses. Strong similarities across movies in graph cluster labels, connectome-network analysis, and spectral filtering-based analyses reveal robust neural correlates of empathy. These findings advance our understanding of empathy-related neural dynamics and identify specific regions in empathetic responses, offering insights for targeted interventions and treatments associated with empathetic processing.
Abstract:A corpus of Hindi news headlines shared on Twitter was created by collecting tweets of 5 mainstream Hindi news sources for a period of 4 months. 7 independent annotators were recruited to mark the 20 most retweeted news posts by each of the 5 news sources on its clickbait nature. The clickbait score hence generated was assessed for its correlation with interactions on the platform (retweets, favorites, reader replies), tweet word count, and normalized POS (part-of-speech) tag counts in tweets. A positive correlation was observed between readers' interactions with tweets and tweets' clickbait score. Significant correlations were also observed for POS tag counts and clickbait score. The prevalence of clickbait in mainstream Hindi news media was found to be similar to its prevalence in English news media. We hope that our observations would provide a platform for discussions on clickbait in mainstream Hindi news media.