Abstract:The tree-width of a multivariate polynomial is the tree-width of the hypergraph with hyperedges corresponding to its terms. Multivariate polynomials of bounded tree-width have been studied by Makowsky and Meer as a new sparsity condition that allows for polynomial solvability of problems which are intractable in general. We consider a variation on this theme for Boolean variables. A representation of a Boolean function as the sign of a polynomial is called a polynomial threshold representation. We discuss Boolean functions representable as polynomial threshold functions of bounded tree-width and present two applications to Bayesian network classifiers, a probabilistic graphical model. Both applications are in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), the research area dealing with the black-box nature of many recent machine learning models. We also give a separation result between the representational power of positive and general polynomial threshold functions.
Abstract:We propose a label poisoning attack on geometric data sets against $k$-nearest neighbor classification. We provide an algorithm that can compute an $\varepsilon n$-additive approximation of the optimal poisoning in $n\cdot 2^{2^{O(d+k/\varepsilon)}}$ time for a given data set $X \in \mathbb{R}^d$, where $|X| = n$. Our algorithm achieves its objectives through the application of multi-scale random partitions.