Abstract:We endeavour to estimate numerous multi-dimensional means of various probability distributions on a common space based on independent samples. Our approach involves forming estimators through convex combinations of empirical means derived from these samples. We introduce two strategies to find appropriate data-dependent convex combination weights: a first one employing a testing procedure to identify neighbouring means with low variance, which results in a closed-form plug-in formula for the weights, and a second one determining weights via minimization of an upper confidence bound on the quadratic risk.Through theoretical analysis, we evaluate the improvement in quadratic risk offered by our methods compared to the empirical means. Our analysis focuses on a dimensional asymptotics perspective, showing that our methods asymptotically approach an oracle (minimax) improvement as the effective dimension of the data increases.We demonstrate the efficacy of our methods in estimating multiple kernel mean embeddings through experiments on both simulated and real-world datasets.
Abstract:Let $\mathbf{X} = (X_i)_{1\leq i \leq n}$ be an i.i.d. sample of square-integrable variables in $\mathbb{R}^d$, with common expectation $\mu$ and covariance matrix $\Sigma$, both unknown. We consider the problem of testing if $\mu$ is $\eta$-close to zero, i.e. $\|\mu\| \leq \eta $ against $\|\mu\| \geq (\eta + \delta)$; we also tackle the more general two-sample mean closeness testing problem. The aim of this paper is to obtain nonasymptotic upper and lower bounds on the minimal separation distance $\delta$ such that we can control both the Type I and Type II errors at a given level. The main technical tools are concentration inequalities, first for a suitable estimator of $\|\mu\|^2$ used a test statistic, and secondly for estimating the operator and Frobenius norms of $\Sigma$ coming into the quantiles of said test statistic. These properties are obtained for Gaussian and bounded distributions. A particular attention is given to the dependence in the pseudo-dimension $d_*$ of the distribution, defined as $d_* := \|\Sigma\|_2^2/\|\Sigma\|_\infty^2$. In particular, for $\eta=0$, the minimum separation distance is ${\Theta}(d_*^{\frac{1}{4}}\sqrt{\|\Sigma\|_\infty/n})$, in contrast with the minimax estimation distance for $\mu$, which is ${\Theta}(d_e^{\frac{1}{2}}\sqrt{\|\Sigma\|_\infty/n})$ (where $d_e:=\|\Sigma\|_1/\|\Sigma\|_\infty$). This generalizes a phenomenon spelled out in particular by Baraud (2002).
Abstract:We propose an improved estimator for the multi-task averaging problem, whose goal is the joint estimation of the means of multiple distributions using separate, independent data sets. The naive approach is to take the empirical mean of each data set individually, whereas the proposed method exploits similarities between tasks, without any related information being known in advance. First, for each data set, similar or neighboring means are determined from the data by multiple testing. Then each naive estimator is shrunk towards the local average of its neighbors. We prove theoretically that this approach provides a reduction in mean squared error. This improvement can be significant when the dimension of the input space is large, demonstrating a "blessing of dimensionality" phenomenon. An application of this approach is the estimation of multiple kernel mean embeddings, which plays an important role in many modern applications. The theoretical results are verified on artificial and real world data.