Abstract:Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are designed with the main purpose of increasing the safety and comfort of vehicle occupants. Most of current computer vision-based ADAS perform detection and tracking tasks quite successfully under regular conditions, but are not completely reliable, particularly under adverse weather and changing lighting conditions, neither in complex situations with many overlapping objects. In this work we explore the use of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) in ADAS on the assumption that the distinct near infrared (NIR) spectral reflectances of different materials can help to better separate the objects in a driving scene. In particular, this paper describes some experimental results of the application of fully convolutional networks (FCN) to the image segmentation of HSI for ADAS applications. More specifically, our aim is to investigate to what extent the spatial features codified by convolutional filters can be helpful to improve the performance of HSI segmentation systems. With that aim, we use the HSI-Drive v1.1 dataset, which provides a set of labelled images recorded in real driving conditions with a small-size snapshot NIR-HSI camera. Finally, we analyze the implementability of such a HSI segmentation system by prototyping the developed FCN model together with the necessary hyperspectral cube preprocessing stage and characterizing its performance on an MPSoC.
Abstract:As the deployment of artifical intelligence (AI) algorithms at edge devices becomes increasingly prevalent, enhancing the robustness and reliability of autonomous AI-based perception and decision systems is becoming as relevant as precision and performance, especially in applications areas considered safety-critical such as autonomous driving and aerospace. This paper delves into the robustness assessment in embedded Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), particularly focusing on the impact of parameter perturbations produced by single event upsets (SEUs) on convolutional neural networks (CNN) for image semantic segmentation. By scrutinizing the layer-by-layer and bit-by-bit sensitivity of various encoder-decoder models to soft errors, this study thoroughly investigates the vulnerability of segmentation DNNs to SEUs and evaluates the consequences of techniques like model pruning and parameter quantization on the robustness of compressed models aimed at embedded implementations. The findings offer valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying SEU-induced failures that allow for evaluating the robustness of DNNs once trained in advance. Moreover, based on the collected data, we propose a set of practical lightweight error mitigation techniques with no memory or computational cost suitable for resource-constrained deployments. The code used to perform the fault injection (FI) campaign is available at https://github.com/jonGuti13/TensorFI2 , while the code to implement proposed techniques is available at https://github.com/jonGuti13/parameterProtection .
Abstract:Machine learning-based embedded systems employed in safety-critical applications such as aerospace and autonomous driving need to be robust against perturbations produced by soft errors. Soft errors are an increasing concern in modern digital processors since smaller transistor geometries and lower voltages give electronic devices a higher sensitivity to background radiation. The resilience of deep neural network (DNN) models to perturbations in their parameters is determined, to a large extent, by the structure of the model itself, and also by the selected numerical representation and used arithmetic precision. When compression techniques such as model pruning and model quantization are applied to reduce memory footprint and computational complexity for deployment, both model structure and numerical representation are modified and thus, soft error robustness also changes. In this sense, although the choice of activation functions (AFs) in DNN models is frequently ignored, it conditions not only their accuracy and trainability, but also compressibility rates and numerical robustness. This paper investigates the suitability of using bounded AFs to improve model robustness against DNN parameter perturbations, assessing at the same time the impact of this choice on deployment in terms of model accuracy, compressibility, and computational burden. In particular, we analyze encoder-decoder fully convolutional models aimed at performing semantic segmentation tasks on hyperspectral images for scene understanding in autonomous driving. Deployment characterization is performed experimentally on an AMD-Xilinx's KV260 SoM.
Abstract:Most of current computer vision-based advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) perform detection and tracking of objects quite successfully under regular conditions. However, under adverse weather and changing lighting conditions, and in complex situations with many overlapping objects, these systems are not completely reliable. The spectral reflectance of the different objects in a driving scene beyond the visible spectrum can offer additional information to increase the reliability of these systems, especially under challenging driving conditions. Furthermore, this information may be significant enough to develop vision systems that allow for a better understanding and interpretation of the whole driving scene. In this work we explore the use of snapshot, video-rate hyperspectral imaging (HSI) cameras in ADAS on the assumption that the near infrared (NIR) spectral reflectance of different materials can help to better segment the objects in real driving scenarios. To do this, we have used the HSI-Drive 1.1 dataset to perform various experiments on spectral classification algorithms. However, the information retrieval of hyperspectral recordings in natural outdoor scenarios is challenging, mainly because of deficient colour constancy and other inherent shortcomings of current snapshot HSI technology, which poses some limitations to the development of pure spectral classifiers. In consequence, in this work we analyze to what extent the spatial features codified by standard, tiny fully convolutional network (FCN) models can improve the performance of HSI segmentation systems for ADAS applications. The abstract above is truncated due to submission limits. For the full abstract, please refer to the published article.
Abstract:We present the updated version of the HSI-Drive dataset aimed at developing automated driving systems (ADS) using hyperspectral imaging (HSI). The v2.0 version includes new annotated images from videos recorded during winter and fall in real driving scenarios. Added to the spring and summer images included in the previous v1.1 version, the new dataset contains 752 images covering the four seasons. In this paper, we show the improvements achieved over previously published results obtained on the v1.1 dataset, showcasing the enhanced performance of models trained on the new v2.0 dataset. We also show the progress made in comprehensive scene understanding by experimenting with more capable image segmentation models. These models include new segmentation categories aimed at the identification of essential road safety objects such as the presence of vehicles and road signs, as well as highly vulnerable groups like pedestrians and cyclists. In addition, we provide evidence of the performance and robustness of the models when applied to segmenting HSI video sequences captured in various environments and conditions. Finally, for a correct assessment of the results described in this work, the constraints imposed by the processing platforms that can sensibly be deployed in vehicles for ADS must be taken into account. Thus, and although implementation details are out of the scope of this paper, we focus our research on the development of computationally efficient, lightweight ML models that can eventually operate at high throughput rates. The dataset and some examples of segmented videos are available in https://ipaccess.ehu.eus/HSI-Drive/.
Abstract:The article discusses the use of low cost System-On-Module (SOM) platforms for the implementation of efficient hyperspectral imaging (HSI) processors for application in autonomous driving. The work addresses the challenges of shaping and deploying multiple layer fully convolutional networks (FCN) for low-latency, on-board image semantic segmentation using resource- and power-constrained processing devices. The paper describes in detail the steps followed to redesign and customize a successfully trained HSI segmentation lightweight FCN that was previously tested on a high-end heterogeneous multiprocessing system-on-chip (MPSoC) to accommodate it to the constraints imposed by a low-cost SOM. This SOM features a lower-end but much cheaper MPSoC suitable for the deployment of automatic driving systems (ADS). In particular the article reports the data- and hardware-specific quantization techniques utilized to fit the FCN into a commercial fixed-point programmable AI coprocessor IP, and proposes a full customized post-training quantization scheme to reduce computation and storage costs without compromising segmentation accuracy.