Abstract:We focus on the task of everyday hand pose estimation from egocentric viewpoints. For this task, we show that depth sensors are particularly informative for extracting near-field interactions of the camera wearer with his/her environment. Despite the recent advances in full-body pose estimation using Kinect-like sensors, reliable monocular hand pose estimation in RGB-D images is still an unsolved problem. The problem is considerably exacerbated when analyzing hands performing daily activities from a first-person viewpoint, due to severe occlusions arising from object manipulations and a limited field-of-view. Our system addresses these difficulties by exploiting strong priors over viewpoint and pose in a discriminative tracking-by-detection framework. Our priors are operationalized through a photorealistic synthetic model of egocentric scenes, which is used to generate training data for learning depth-based pose classifiers. We evaluate our approach on an annotated dataset of real egocentric object manipulation scenes and compare to both commercial and academic approaches. Our method provides state-of-the-art performance for both hand detection and pose estimation in egocentric RGB-D images.
Abstract:We tackle the problem of estimating the 3D pose of an individual's upper limbs (arms+hands) from a chest mounted depth-camera. Importantly, we consider pose estimation during everyday interactions with objects. Past work shows that strong pose+viewpoint priors and depth-based features are crucial for robust performance. In egocentric views, hands and arms are observable within a well defined volume in front of the camera. We call this volume an egocentric workspace. A notable property is that hand appearance correlates with workspace location. To exploit this correlation, we classify arm+hand configurations in a global egocentric coordinate frame, rather than a local scanning window. This greatly simplify the architecture and improves performance. We propose an efficient pipeline which 1) generates synthetic workspace exemplars for training using a virtual chest-mounted camera whose intrinsic parameters match our physical camera, 2) computes perspective-aware depth features on this entire volume and 3) recognizes discrete arm+hand pose classes through a sparse multi-class SVM. Our method provides state-of-the-art hand pose recognition performance from egocentric RGB-D images in real-time.