Abstract:We present a machine-learning-based workflow to model an unbinned likelihood from its samples. A key advancement over existing approaches is the validation of the learned likelihood using rigorous statistical tests of the joint distribution, such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of the joint distribution. Our method enables the reliable communication of experimental and phenomenological likelihoods for subsequent analyses. We demonstrate its effectiveness through three case studies in high-energy physics. To support broader adoption, we provide an open-source reference implementation, nabu.
Abstract:The performance of Quantum Autoencoders (QAEs) in anomaly detection tasks is critically dependent on the choice of data embedding and ansatz design. This study explores the effects of three data embedding techniques, data re-uploading, parallel embedding, and alternate embedding, on the representability and effectiveness of QAEs in detecting anomalies. Our findings reveal that even with relatively simple variational circuits, enhanced data embedding strategies can substantially improve anomaly detection accuracy and the representability of underlying data across different datasets. Starting with toy examples featuring low-dimensional data, we visually demonstrate the effect of different embedding techniques on the representability of the model. We then extend our analysis to complex, higher-dimensional datasets, highlighting the significant impact of embedding methods on QAE performance.
Abstract:The Hamiltonian of an isolated quantum mechanical system determines its dynamics and physical behaviour. This study investigates the possibility of learning and utilising a system's Hamiltonian and its variational thermal state estimation for data analysis techniques. For this purpose, we employ the method of Quantum Hamiltonian-Based Models for the generative modelling of simulated Large Hadron Collider data and demonstrate the representability of such data as a mixed state. In a further step, we use the learned Hamiltonian for anomaly detection, showing that different sample types can form distinct dynamical behaviours once treated as a quantum many-body system. We exploit these characteristics to quantify the difference between sample types. Our findings show that the methodologies designed for field theory computations can be utilised in machine learning applications to employ theoretical approaches in data analysis techniques.
Abstract:We use a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to identify the relevant features in the thermodynamical phases of a simulated three-dimensional spin-lattice system with ferromagnetic and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions. Such features include (anti-)skyrmions, merons, and helical and ferromagnetic states. We use a multi-label classification framework, which is flexible enough to accommodate states that mix different features and phases. We then train the CNN to predict the features of the final state from snapshots of intermediate states of the simulation. The trained model allows identifying the different phases reliably and early in the formation process. Thus, the CNN can significantly speed up the phase diagram calculations by predicting the final phase before the spin-lattice Monte Carlo sampling has converged. We show the prowess of this approach by generating phase diagrams with significantly shorter simulation times.
Abstract:Tensor Networks (TN) are approximations of high-dimensional tensors designed to represent locally entangled quantum many-body systems efficiently. This study provides a comprehensive comparison between classical TNs and TN-inspired quantum circuits in the context of Machine Learning on highly complex, simulated LHC data. We show that classical TNs require exponentially large bond dimensions and higher Hilbert-space mapping to perform comparably to their quantum counterparts. While such an expansion in the dimensionality allows better performance, we observe that, with increased dimensionality, classical TNs lead to a highly flat loss landscape, rendering the usage of gradient-based optimization methods highly challenging. Furthermore, by employing quantitative metrics, such as the Fisher information and effective dimensions, we show that classical TNs require a more extensive training sample to represent the data as efficiently as TN-inspired quantum circuits. We also engage with the idea of hybrid classical-quantum TNs and show possible architectures to employ a larger phase-space from the data. We offer our results using three main TN ansatz: Tree Tensor Networks, Matrix Product States, and Multi-scale Entanglement Renormalisation Ansatz.
Abstract:Tensor Networks are non-trivial representations of high-dimensional tensors, originally designed to describe quantum many-body systems. We show that Tensor Networks are ideal vehicles to connect quantum mechanical concepts to machine learning techniques, thereby facilitating an improved interpretability of neural networks. This study presents the discrimination of top quark signal over QCD background processes using a Matrix Product State classifier. We show that entanglement entropy can be used to interpret what a network learns, which can be used to reduce the complexity of the network and feature space without loss of generality or performance. For the optimisation of the network, we compare the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) algorithm to stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and propose a joined training algorithm to harness the explainability of DMRG with the efficiency of SGD.
Abstract:We present Elvet, a Python package for solving differential equations and variational problems using machine learning methods. Elvet can deal with any system of coupled ordinary or partial differential equations with arbitrary initial and boundary conditions. It can also minimize any functional that depends on a collection of functions of several variables while imposing constraints on them. The solution to any of these problems is represented as a neural network trained to produce the desired function.