Abstract:Recent advancement of research in biometrics, computer vision, and natural language processing has discovered opportunities for person retrieval from surveillance videos using textual query. The prime objective of a surveillance system is to locate a person using a description, e.g., a short woman with a pink t-shirt and white skirt carrying a black purse. She has brown hair. Such a description contains attributes like gender, height, type of clothing, colour of clothing, hair colour, and accessories. Such attributes are formally known as soft biometrics. They help bridge the semantic gap between a human description and a machine as a textual query contains the person's soft biometric attributes. It is also not feasible to manually search through huge volumes of surveillance footage to retrieve a specific person. Hence, automatic person retrieval using vision and language-based algorithms is becoming popular. In comparison to other state-of-the-art reviews, the contribution of the paper is as follows: 1. Recommends most discriminative soft biometrics for specifiic challenging conditions. 2. Integrates benchmark datasets and retrieval methods for objective performance evaluation. 3. A complete snapshot of techniques based on features, classifiers, number of soft biometric attributes, type of the deep neural networks, and performance measures. 4. The comprehensive coverage of person retrieval from handcrafted features based methods to end-to-end approaches based on natural language description.
Abstract:Visual appearance-based person retrieval is a challenging problem in surveillance. It uses attributes like height, cloth color, cloth type and gender to describe a human. Such attributes are known as soft biometrics. This paper proposes person retrieval from surveillance video using height, torso cloth type, torso cloth color and gender. The approach introduces an adaptive torso patch extraction and bounding box regression to improve the retrieval. The algorithm uses fine-tuned Mask R-CNN and DenseNet-169 for person detection and attribute classification respectively. The performance is analyzed on AVSS 2018 challenge II dataset and it achieves 11.35% improvement over state-of-the-art based on average Intersection over Union measure.
Abstract:A person is commonly described by attributes like height, build, cloth color, cloth type, and gender. Such attributes are known as soft biometrics. They bridge the semantic gap between human description and person retrieval in surveillance video. The paper proposes a deep learning-based linear filtering approach for person retrieval using height, cloth color, and gender. The proposed approach uses Mask R-CNN for pixel-wise person segmentation. It removes background clutter and provides precise boundary around the person. Color and gender models are fine-tuned using AlexNet and the algorithm is tested on SoftBioSearch dataset. It achieves good accuracy for person retrieval using the semantic query in challenging conditions.