Abstract:Recognizing specific events in medical data requires trained personnel. To aid the classification, machine learning algorithms can be applied. In this context, medical records are usually high-dimensional, although a lower dimension can also reflect the dynamics of the signal. In this study, electroencephalogram data with Interictal Epileptic Discharges (IEDs) are investigated. First, the dimensions are reduced using Dynamical Component Analysis (DyCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), respectively. The reduced data are examined using topological data analysis (TDA), specifically using a persistent homology algorithm. The persistent homology results are used for targeted feature generation. The features are used to train and evaluate a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to distinguish IEDs from background activities.
Abstract:Objective: Analysis of the electroencephalogram (EEG) for epileptic spike and seizure detection or brain-computer interfaces can be severely hampered by the presence of artifacts. The aim of this study is to describe and evaluate a fast automatic algorithm for ongoing correction of artifacts in continuous EEG recordings, which can be applied offline and online. Methods: The automatic algorithm for ongoing correction of artifacts is based on fast blind source separation. It uses a sliding window technique with overlapping epochs and features in the spatial, temporal and frequency domain to detect and correct ocular, cardiac, muscle and powerline artifacts. Results: The approach was validated in an independent evaluation study on publicly available continuous EEG data with 2035 marked artifacts. Validation confirmed that 88% of the artifacts could be removed successfully (ocular: 81%, cardiac: 84%, muscle: 98%, powerline: 100%). It outperformed state-of-the-art algorithms both in terms of artifact reduction rates and computation time. Conclusions: Fast ongoing artifact correction successfully removed a good proportion of artifacts, while preserving most of the EEG signals. Significance: The presented algorithm may be useful for ongoing correction of artifacts, e.g., in online systems for epileptic spike and seizure detection or brain-computer interfaces.