Abstract:Considering the attacks against the power grid, one of the most effective approaches could be the attack to the transmission lines that leads to large cascading failures. Hence, the problem of locating the most critical or vulnerable transmission lines for a Power Grid Cascading Failure (PGCF) has drawn much attention from the research society. There exists many deterministic solutions and stochastic approximation algorithms aiming to analyze the power grid vulnerability. However, it has been challenging to reveal the correlations between the transmission lines to identify the critical ones. In this paper, we propose a novel approach of learning such correlations via attention mechanism inspired by the Transformer based models that were initially designated to learn the correlation of words in sentences. Multiple modifications and adjustments are proposed to support the attention mechanism producing an informative correlation matrix, the Attention Matrix. With the Attention Ranking algorithm, we are able to identify the most critical lines. The proposed Dual PGCF model provide a novel and effective analysis to improve the power grid resilience against cascading failure, which is proved by extensive experiment results.
Abstract:Many companies and organizations have started to use some form of AIenabled auto mated tools to assist in their hiring process, e.g. screening resumes, interviewing candi dates, performance evaluation. While those AI tools have greatly improved human re source operations efficiency and provided conveniences to job seekers as well, there are increasing concerns on unfair treatment to candidates, caused by underlying bias in AI systems. Laws around equal opportunity and fairness, like GDPR, CCPA, are introduced or under development, in attempt to regulate AI. However, it is difficult to implement AI regulations in practice, as technologies are constantly advancing and the risk perti nent to their applications can fail to be recognized. This study examined deep learning methods, a recent technology breakthrough, with focus on their application to automated resume screening. One impressive performance of deep learning methods is the represen tation of individual words as lowdimensional numerical vectors, called word embedding, which are learned from aggregated global wordword cooccurrence statistics from a cor pus, like Wikipedia or Google news. The resulting word representations possess interest ing linear substructures of the word vector space and have been widely used in down stream tasks, like resume screening. However, word embedding inherits and reinforces the stereotyping from the training corpus, as deep learning models essentially learn a probability distribution of words and their relations from history data. Our study finds out that if we rely on such deeplearningpowered automated resume screening tools, it may lead to decisions favoring or disfavoring certain demographic groups and raise eth ical, even legal, concerns. To address the issue, we developed bias mitigation method. Extensive experiments on real candidate resumes are conducted to validate our study