Abstract:In the last decade, autonomous navigation for roboticshas been leveraged by deep learning and other approachesbased on machine learning. These approaches have demon-strated significant advantages in robotics performance. Butthey have the disadvantage that they require a lot of data toinfer knowledge. In this paper, we present an algorithm forbuilding 2D maps with attributes that make them useful fortraining and testing machine-learning-based approaches.The maps are based on dungeons environments where sev-eral random rooms are built and then those rooms are con-nected. In addition, we provide a dataset with 10,000 mapsproduced by the proposed algorithm and a description withextensive information for algorithm evaluation. Such infor-mation includes validation of path existence, the best path,distances, among other attributes. We believe that thesemaps and their related information can be very useful forrobotics enthusiasts and researchers who want to test deeplearning approaches. The dataset is available athttps://github.com/gbriel21/map2D_dataSet.git
Abstract:Sampling-based algorithms are widely used in robotics because they are very useful in high dimensional spaces. However, the rate of success and quality of the solutions are determined by an adequate selection of their parameters such as the distance between states, the local planner, and the sampling method. For robots with large configuration spaces or dynamic restrictions selecting these parameters is a challenging task. This paper proposes a method for improving the results for a set of the most popular sampling-based algorithms, the Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRTs) by adjusting the sampling method. The idea is to replace the sampling function, traditionally a Uniform Probability Density Function (U-PDF) with a custom distribution (C-PDF) learned from previously successful queries of a similar task. With few samples, our method builds the custom distribution allowing a higher success rate and sparser trees in randomly new queries. We test our method in several common tasks of autonomous driving such as parking maneuvers or obstacle clearance and also in complex scenarios outperforming the base original and bias RRT. In addition, the proposed method requires a relative small set of examples, unlike current deep learning techniques that require a vast amount of examples.