Inria Saclay, EP Lifeware, Palaiseau, France
Abstract:The regular models of a normal logic program are a particular type of partial (i.e. 3-valued) models which correspond to stable partial models with minimal undefinedness. In this paper, we explore graphical conditions on the dependency graph of a finite ground normal logic program to analyze the existence, unicity and number of regular models for the program. We show three main results: 1) a necessary condition for the existence of non-trivial (i.e. non-2-valued) regular models, 2) a sufficient condition for the unicity of regular models, and 3) two upper bounds for the number of regular models based on positive feedback vertex sets. The first two conditions generalize the finite cases of the two existing results obtained by You and Yuan (1994) for normal logic programs with well-founded stratification. The third result is also new to the best of our knowledge. Key to our proofs is a connection that we establish between finite ground normal logic programs and Boolean network theory.
Abstract:The skin microbiome plays an important role in the maintenance of a healthy skin. It is an ecosystem, composed of several species, competing for resources and interacting with the skin cells. Imbalance in the cutaneous microbiome, also called dysbiosis, has been correlated with several skin conditions, including acne and atopic dermatitis. Generally, dysbiosis is linked to colonization of the skin by a population of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria. Treatments consisting in non-specific elimination of cutaneous microflora have shown conflicting results. In this article, we introduce a mathematical model based on ordinary differential equations, with 2 types of bacteria populations (skin commensals and opportunistic pathogens) and including the production of antimicrobial peptides to study the mechanisms driving the dominance of one population over the other. By using published experimental data, assumed to correspond to the observation of stable states in our model, we reduce the number of parameters of the model from 13 to 5. We then use a formal specification in quantitative temporal logic to calibrate our model by global parameter optimization and perform sensitivity analyses. On the time scale of 2 days of the experiments, the model predicts that certain changes of the environment, like the elevation of skin surface pH, create favorable conditions for the emergence and colonization of the skin by the opportunistic pathogen population, while the production of human AMPs has non-linear effect on the balance between pathogens and commensals. Surprisingly, simulations on longer time scales reveal that the equilibrium reached around 2 days can in fact be a quasi-stable state followed by the reaching of a reversed stable state after 12 days or more. We analyse the conditions of quasi-stability observed in this model using tropical algebraic methods, and show their non-generic character in contrast to slow-fast systems. These conditions are then generalized to a large class of population dynamics models over any number of species.
Abstract:Discovering interpretable patterns for classification of sequential data is of key importance for a variety of fields, ranging from genomics to fraud detection or more generally interpretable decision-making. In this paper, we propose a novel differentiable fully interpretable method to discover both local and global patterns (i.e. catching a relative or absolute temporal dependency) for rule-based binary classification. It consists of a convolutional binary neural network with an interpretable neural filter and a training strategy based on dynamically-enforced sparsity. We demonstrate the validity and usefulness of the approach on synthetic datasets and on an open-source peptides dataset. Key to this end-to-end differentiable method is that the expressive patterns used in the rules are learned alongside the rules themselves.
Abstract:Inferring chemical reaction networks (CRN) from time series data is a challenge encouraged by the growing availability of quantitative temporal data at the cellular level. This motivates the design of algorithms to infer the preponderant reactions between the molecular species observed in a given biochemical process, and help to build CRN model structure and kinetics. Existing ODE-based inference methods such as SINDy resort to least square regression combined with sparsity-enforcing penalization, such as Lasso. However, when the input time series are only available in wild type conditions in which all reactions are present, we observe that current methods fail to learn sparse models. Results: We present Reactmine, a CRN learning algorithm which enforces sparsity by inferring reactions in a sequential fashion within a search tree of bounded depth, ranking the inferred reaction candidates according to the variance of their kinetics, and re-optimizing the CRN kinetic parameters on the whole trace in a final pass to rank the inferred CRN candidates. We first evaluate its performance on simulation data from a benchmark of hidden CRNs, together with algorithmic hyperparameter sensitivity analyses, and then on two sets of real experimental data: one from protein fluorescence videomicroscopy of cell cycle and circadian clock markers, and one from biomedical measurements of systemic circadian biomarkers possibly acting on clock gene expression in peripheral organs. We show that Reactmine succeeds both on simulation data by retrieving hidden CRNs where SINDy fails, and on the two real datasets by inferring reactions in agreement with previous studies.