Abstract:Despite being the cornerstone of deep learning, backpropagation is criticized for its inherent sequentiality, which can limit the scalability of very deep models. Such models faced convergence issues due to vanishing gradient, later resolved using residual connections. Variants of these are now widely used in modern architecture. However, the computational cost of backpropagation remains a major burden, accounting for most of the training time. Taking advantage of residual-like architectural designs, we introduce Highway backpropagation, a parallelizable iterative algorithm that approximates backpropagation, by alternatively i) accumulating the gradient estimates along the residual path, and ii) backpropagating them through every layer in parallel. This algorithm is naturally derived from a decomposition of the gradient as the sum of gradients flowing through all paths and is adaptable to a diverse set of common architectures, ranging from ResNets and Transformers to recurrent neural networks. Through an extensive empirical study on a large selection of tasks and models, we evaluate Highway-BP and show that major speedups can be achieved with minimal performance degradation.
Abstract:This paper investigates the limitations of transformers for entity-tracking tasks in large language models. We identify a theoretical constraint, showing that transformers require at least $\log_2 (n+1)$ layers to handle entity tracking with $n$ state changes. To address this issue, we propose an efficient and frugal enhancement to the standard attention mechanism, enabling it to manage long-term dependencies more efficiently. By considering attention as an adjacency matrix, our model can track entity states with a single layer. Empirical results demonstrate significant improvements in entity tracking datasets while keeping competitive performance on standard natural language modeling. Our modified attention allows us to achieve the same performance with drastically fewer layers. Additionally, our enhanced mechanism reveals structured internal representations of attention. Extensive experiments on both toy and complex datasets validate our approach. Our contributions include theoretical insights, an improved attention mechanism, and empirical validation.