Abstract:Parameter efficient finetuning (PEFT) methods are widely used in LLMs and generative models in computer vision. Especially one can use multiple of these during inference to change the behavior of the base model. In this paper we investigated whether multiple LoRA adapters trained on computer vision tasks can be merged together and used during inference without loss in performance. By achieving this, multitask models can be created just by merging different LoRAs. Merging these will reduce inference time and it will not require any additional retraining. We have trained adapters on six different tasks and evaluated their performance when they are merged together. For comparison we used a model with a frozen backbone and finetuned its head. Our results show that even with simple merging techniques creating a multitask model by merging adapters is achievable by slightly loosing performance in some cases. In our experiments we merged up to three adapters together. Depending on the task and the similarity of the data adapters were trained on, merges can outperform head finetuning. We have observed that LoRAs trained with dissimilar datasets tend to perform better compared to model trained on similar datasets.
Abstract:Named entity recognition (NER) is used to extract information from various documents and texts such as names and dates. It is important to extract education and work experience information from resumes in order to filter them. Considering the fact that all information in a resume has to be entered to the companys system manually, automatizing this process will save time of the companies. In this study, a deep learning-based semi-automatic named entity recognition system has been implemented with a focus on resumes in the field of IT. Firstly, resumes of employees from five different IT related fields has been annotated. Six transformer based pre-trained models have been adapted to named entity recognition problem using the annotated data. These models have been selected among popular models in the natural language processing field. The obtained system can recognize eight different entity types which are city, date, degree, diploma major, job title, language, country and skill. Models used in the experiments are compared using micro, macro and weighted F1 scores and the performance of the methods was evaluated. Taking these scores into account for test set the best micro and weighted F1 score is obtained by RoBERTa and the best macro F1 score is obtained by Electra model.
Abstract:Emotion recognition has become an important research topic in the field of human-computer interaction. Studies on sound and videos to understand emotions focused mainly on analyzing facial expressions and classified 6 basic emotions. In this study, the performance of different sequence models in multi-modal emotion recognition was compared. The sound and images were first processed by multi-layered CNN models, and the outputs of these models were fed into various sequence models. The sequence model is GRU, Transformer, LSTM and Max Pooling. Accuracy, precision, and F1 Score values of all models were calculated. The multi-modal CREMA-D dataset was used in the experiments. As a result of the comparison of the CREMA-D dataset, GRU-based architecture with 0.640 showed the best result in F1 score, LSTM-based architecture with 0.699 in precision metric, while sensitivity showed the best results over time with Max Pooling-based architecture with 0.620. As a result, it has been observed that the sequence models compare performances close to each other.