Abstract:Naively trained Deep Reinforcement Learning agents may fail to satisfy vital safety constraints. To avoid costly retraining, we may desire to repair a previously trained reinforcement learning agent to obviate unsafe behaviour. We devise a counterexample-guided repair algorithm for repairing reinforcement learning systems leveraging safety critics. The algorithm jointly repairs a reinforcement learning agent and a safety critic using gradient-based constrained optimisation.
Abstract:Current approaches to neural network verification focus on specifications that target small regions around known input data points, such as local robustness. Thus, using these approaches, we can not obtain guarantees for inputs that are not close to known inputs. Yet, it is highly likely that a neural network will encounter such truly unseen inputs during its application. We study global specifications that - when satisfied - provide guarantees for all potential inputs. We introduce a hyperproperty formalism that allows for expressing global specifications such as monotonicity, Lipschitz continuity, global robustness, and dependency fairness. Our formalism enables verifying global specifications using existing neural network verification approaches by leveraging capabilities for verifying general computational graphs. Thereby, we extend the scope of guarantees that can be provided using existing methods. Recent success in verifying specific global specifications shows that attaining strong guarantees for all potential data points is feasible.
Abstract:Counterexample-guided repair aims at creating neural networks with mathematical safety guarantees, facilitating the application of neural networks in safety-critical domains. However, whether counterexample-guided repair is guaranteed to terminate remains an open question. We approach this question by showing that counterexample-guided repair can be viewed as a robust optimisation algorithm. While termination guarantees for neural network repair itself remain beyond our reach, we prove termination for more restrained machine learning models and disprove termination in a general setting. We empirically study the practical implications of our theoretical results, demonstrating the suitability of common verifiers and falsifiers for repair despite a disadvantageous theoretical result. Additionally, we use our theoretical insights to devise a novel algorithm for repairing linear regression models, surpassing existing approaches.