Abstract:International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is a global medical classification system which provides unique codes for diagnoses and procedures appropriate to a patient's clinical record. However, manual coding by human coders is expensive and error-prone. Automatic ICD coding has the potential to solve this problem. With the advancement of deep learning technologies, many deep learning-based methods for automatic ICD coding are being developed. In particular, a label attention mechanism is effective for multi-label classification, i.e., the ICD coding. It effectively obtains the label-specific representations from the input clinical records. However, because the existing label attention mechanism finds key tokens in the entire text at once, the important information dispersed in each paragraph may be omitted from the attention map. To overcome this, we propose a novel neural network architecture composed of two parts of encoders and two kinds of label attention layers. The input text is segmentally encoded in the former encoder and integrated by the follower. Then, the conventional and partition-based label attention mechanisms extract important global and local feature representations. Our classifier effectively integrates them to enhance the ICD coding performance. We verified the proposed method using the MIMIC-III, a benchmark dataset of the ICD coding. Our results show that our network improves the ICD coding performance based on the partition-based mechanism.