Abstract:The main challenge of large-scale numerical simulation of radiation transport is the high memory and computation time requirements of discretization methods for kinetic equations. In this work, we derive and investigate a neural network-based approximation to the entropy closure method to accurately compute the solution of the multi-dimensional moment system with a low memory footprint and competitive computational time. We extend methods developed for the standard entropy-based closure to the context of regularized entropy-based closures. The main idea is to interpret structure-preserving neural network approximations of the regularized entropy closure as a two-stage approximation to the original entropy closure. We conduct a numerical analysis of this approximation and investigate optimal parameter choices. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the method has a much lower memory footprint than traditional methods with competitive computation times and simulation accuracy. The code and all trained networks are provided on GitHub https://github.com/ScSteffen/neuralEntropyClosures and https://github.com/CSMMLab/KiT-RT.