Abstract:Neural finite-state transducers (NFSTs) form an expressive family of neurosymbolic sequence transduction models. An NFST models each string pair as having been generated by a latent path in a finite-state transducer. As they are deep generative models, both training and inference of NFSTs require inference networks that approximate posterior distributions over such latent variables. In this paper, we focus on the resulting challenge of imputing the latent alignment path that explains a given pair of input and output strings (e.g., during training). We train three autoregressive approximate models for amortized inference of the path, which can then be used as proposal distributions for importance sampling. All three models perform lookahead. Our most sophisticated (and novel) model leverages the FST structure to consider the graph of future paths; unfortunately, we find that it loses out to the simpler approaches -- except on an artificial task that we concocted to confuse the simpler approaches.