Abstract:Cell-free network is a new paradigm, originating from distributed MIMO, that has been investigated for a few recent years as an alternative to the celebrated cellular structure. Future networks not only consider classical data transmission but also positioning, along the lines of Integrated Communications and Sensing (ISAC). The goal of this paper is to investigate at the same time the ambiguity function which is an important metric for positioning and the understanding of its associated resolution and ambiguities, and the array gain when maximum ratio transmission (MRT) or MR combining (MRC) is implemented for data communications. In particular, the role and impact of using a waveform with non-zero bandwidth is investigated. The theoretical findings are illustrated by means of computational results.
Abstract:Radar targets are traditionally modelled as point target reflectors, even in the near-field region. Yet, for radar systems operating at high carrier frequencies and small distances, traditional radar propagation models do not accurately model the scatterer responses. In this paper, a novel electromagnetic-based model is thus developed for the multistatic radar detection of a rectangular plate reflector in the near-field region. This model is applied to an automotive scenario, in which a linear antenna array is spread out at the front of a vehicle, and performs a radar measurement of the distance to the back of the vehicle ahead. Based on the developed received signal model, the maximum likelihood estimator of the range is designed. By exploiting the near-field target model, this estimator is shown to provide a significant gain with respect to traditional range estimators. The impact of the system and scenario parameters, i.e. the carrier frequency, bandwidth and distance to the target, is furthermore evaluated. This analysis shows that the radar resolution in the near-field regime is improved at high carrier frequencies, while saturating to the traditional bandwidth-dependent resolution in the far-field region.
Abstract:In order to evaluate the performance of radar and communication systems in future wireless networks, accurate propagation models are needed to predict efficiently the received powers at each node, and draw correct conclusions. In this paper, we present new radar propagation models based on the electromagnetism theory. The target is modelled as a flat or curved square plate to compute the scattered field and derive accurate radar cross section modellings. With a flat square plate, the model makes the link between the radar equation and the geometrical optics propagation model used in ray-tracing applications. It is then applied to popular automotive scenarios within the stochastic geometry framework to observe the impact of such modelling.