Abstract:Knowledge hypergraphs generalize knowledge graphs using hyperedges to connect multiple entities and depict complicated relations. Existing methods either transform hyperedges into an easier-to-handle set of binary relations or view hyperedges as isolated and ignore their adjacencies. Both approaches have information loss and may potentially lead to the creation of sub-optimal models. To fix these issues, we propose the Hyperbolic Hypergraph Neural Network (H2GNN), whose essential component is the hyper-star message passing, a novel scheme motivated by a lossless expansion of hyperedges into hierarchies. It implements a direct embedding that consciously incorporates adjacent entities, hyper-relations, and entity position-aware information. As the name suggests, H2GNN operates in the hyperbolic space, which is more adept at capturing the tree-like hierarchy. We compare H2GNN with 15 baselines on knowledge hypergraphs, and it outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in both node classification and link prediction tasks.