Abstract:Traditional face super-resolution (FSR) methods trained on synthetic datasets usually have poor generalization ability for real-world face images. Recent work has utilized complex degradation models or training networks to simulate the real degradation process, but this limits the performance of these methods due to the domain differences that still exist between the generated low-resolution images and the real low-resolution images. Moreover, because of the existence of a domain gap, the semantic feature information of the target domain may be affected when synthetic data and real data are utilized to train super-resolution models simultaneously. In this study, a real-world face super-resolution teacher-student model is proposed, which considers the domain gap between real and synthetic data and progressively includes diverse edge information by using the recurrent network's intermediate outputs. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed approach surpasses state-of-the-art methods in obtaining high-quality face images for real-world FSR.
Abstract:The face super-resolution (FSR) task is to reconstruct high-resolution face images from low-resolution inputs. Recent works have achieved success on this task by utilizing facial priors such as facial landmarks. Most existing methods pay more attention to global shape and structure information, but less to local texture information, which makes them cannot recover local details well. In this paper, we propose a novel recurrent convolutional network based framework for face super-resolution, which progressively introduces both global shape and local texture information. We take full advantage of the intermediate outputs of the recurrent network, and landmarks information and facial action units (AUs) information are extracted in the output of the first and second steps respectively, rather than low-resolution input. Moreover, we introduced AU classification results as a novel quantitative metric for facial details restoration. Extensive experiments show that our proposed method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art FSR methods in terms of image quality and facial details restoration.
Abstract:This paper describes an approach to the facial action unit (AU) detection. In this work, we present our submission to the Field Affective Behavior Analysis (ABAW) 2021 competition. The proposed method uses the pre-trained JAA model as the feature extractor, and extracts global features, face alignment features and AU local features on the basis of multi-scale features. We take the AU local features as the input of the graph convolution to further consider the correlation between AU, and finally use the fused features to classify AU. The detected accuracy was evaluated by 0.5*accuracy + 0.5*F1. Our model achieves 0.674 on the challenging Aff-Wild2 database.