Abstract:Influence maximization is key topic in data mining, with broad applications in social network analysis and viral marketing. In recent years, researchers have increasingly turned to machine learning techniques to address this problem. They have developed methods to learn the underlying diffusion processes in a data-driven manner, which enhances the generalizability of the solution, and have designed optimization objectives to identify the optimal seed set. Nonetheless, two fundamental gaps remain unsolved: (1) Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are increasingly used to learn diffusion models, but in their traditional form, they often fail to capture the complex dynamics of influence diffusion, (2) Designing optimization objectives is challenging due to combinatorial explosion when solving this problem. To address these challenges, we propose a novel framework, DeepSN. Our framework employs sheaf neural diffusion to learn diverse influence patterns in a data-driven, end-to-end manner, providing enhanced separability in capturing diffusion characteristics. We also propose an optimization technique that accounts for overlapping influence between vertices, which helps to reduce the search space and identify the optimal seed set effectively and efficiently. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have paved its way for being a cornerstone in graph related learning tasks. From a theoretical perspective, the expressive power of GNNs is primarily characterised according to their ability to distinguish non-isomorphic graphs. It is a well-known fact that most of the conventional GNNs are upper-bounded by Weisfeiler-Lehman graph isomorphism test (1-WL). In this work, we study the expressive power of graph neural networks through the lens of graph partitioning. This follows from our observation that permutation invariant graph partitioning enables a powerful way of exploring structural interactions among vertex sets and subgraphs, and can help uplifting the expressive power of GNNs efficiently. Based on this, we first establish a theoretical connection between graph partitioning and graph isomorphism. Then we introduce a novel GNN architecture, namely Graph Partitioning Neural Networks (GPNNs). We theoretically analyse how a graph partitioning scheme and different kinds of structural interactions relate to the k-WL hierarchy. Empirically, we demonstrate its superior performance over existing GNN models in a variety of graph benchmark tasks.