Abstract:We continue to study the learning-theoretic foundations of generation by extending the results from Kleinberg and Mullainathan [2024] and Li et al. [2024] to account for noisy example streams. In the noiseless setting of Kleinberg and Mullainathan [2024] and Li et al. [2024], an adversary picks a hypothesis from a binary hypothesis class and provides a generator with a sequence of its positive examples. The goal of the generator is to eventually output new, unseen positive examples. In the noisy setting, an adversary still picks a hypothesis and a sequence of its positive examples. But, before presenting the stream to the generator, the adversary inserts a finite number of negative examples. Unaware of which examples are noisy, the goal of the generator is to still eventually output new, unseen positive examples. In this paper, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for when a binary hypothesis class can be noisily generatable. We provide such conditions with respect to various constraints on the number of distinct examples that need to be seen before perfect generation of positive examples. Interestingly, for finite and countable classes we show that generatability is largely unaffected by the presence of a finite number of noisy examples.
Abstract:In online binary classification under \textit{apple tasting} feedback, the learner only observes the true label if it predicts "1". First studied by \cite{helmbold2000apple}, we revisit this classical partial-feedback setting and study online learnability from a combinatorial perspective. We show that the Littlestone dimension continues to prove a tight quantitative characterization of apple tasting in the agnostic setting, closing an open question posed by \cite{helmbold2000apple}. In addition, we give a new combinatorial parameter, called the Effective width, that tightly quantifies the minimax expected mistakes in the realizable setting. As a corollary, we use the Effective width to establish a \textit{trichotomy} of the minimax expected number of mistakes in the realizable setting. In particular, we show that in the realizable setting, the expected number of mistakes for any learner under apple tasting feedback can only be $\Theta(1), \Theta(\sqrt{T})$, or $\Theta(T)$.
Abstract:We study online multiclass classification under bandit feedback. We extend the results of (daniely2013price) by showing that the finiteness of the Bandit Littlestone dimension is necessary and sufficient for bandit online multiclass learnability even when the label space is unbounded. Our result complements the recent work by (hanneke2023multiclass) who show that the Littlestone dimension characterizes online multiclass learnability in the full-information setting when the label space is unbounded.