Abstract:Future smart factories are expected to deploy applications over high-performance indoor wireless channels in the millimeter-wave (mmWave) bands, which on the other hand are susceptible to high path losses and Line-of Sight (LoS) blockages. Low-cost Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) can provide great opportunities in such scenarios, due to its ability to alleviate LoS link blockages. In this paper, we formulate a combinatorial optimization problem, solved with Integer Linear Programming (ILP) to optimally maintain connectivity by solving the problem of allocating RIS to robots in a wireless indoor network. Our model exploits the characteristic of nulling interference from RISs by tuning RIS reflection coefficients. We further consider Quality-of-Service (QoS) at receivers in terms of Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) and connection outages due to insufficient transmission quality service. Numerical results for optimal solutions and heuristics show the benefits of optimally deploying RISs by providing continuous connectivity through SINR, which significantly reduces outages due to link quality.
Abstract:We propose to integrate long-distance LongRange (LoRa) communication solution for sending the data from IoT to the edge computing system, by taking advantage of its unlicensed nature and the potential for open source implementations that are common in edge computing. We propose a channel hoping optimization model and apply TinyML-based channel hoping model based for LoRa transmissions, as well as experimentally study a fast predictive algorithm to find free channels between edge and IoT devices. In the open source experimental setup that includes LoRa, TinyML and IoT-edge-cloud continuum, we integrate a novel application workflow and cloud-friendly protocol solutions in a case study of plant recommender application that combines concepts of microfarming and urban computing. In a LoRa-optimized edge computing setup, we engineer the application workflow, and apply collaborative filtering and various machine learning algorithms on application data collected to identify and recommend the planting schedule for a specific microfarm in an urban area. In the LoRa experiments, we measure the occurrence of packet loss, RSSI, and SNR, using a random channel hoping scheme to compare with our proposed TinyML method. The results show that it is feasible to use TinyML in microcontrollers for channel hopping, while proving the effectiveness of TinyML in learning to predict the best channel to select for LoRa transmission, and by improving the RSSI by up to 63 %, SNR by up to 44 % in comparison with a random hopping mechanism.
Abstract:Machine learning (ML) models, data and software need to be regularly updated whenever essential version updates are released and feasible for integration. This is a basic but most challenging requirement to satisfy in the edge, due to the various system constraints and the major impact that an update can have on robustness and stability. In this paper, we formulate for the first time the ML model versioning optimization problem, and propose effective solutions, including the automation with reinforcement learning (RL) based algorithm. Without loss of generality, we choose the edge network environment due to the known constraints in performance, response time, security, and reliability. The performance study shows that ML model version updates can be fully and effectively automated with reinforcement learning method as compared to other approaches. We show that with a carefully chosen range of traffic load values, the proper versioning can improve the security, reliability and ML model accuracy, while assuring a comparably lower response time.
Abstract:Microfarming and urban computing have evolved as two distinct sustainability pillars of urban living today. In this paper, we combine these two concepts, while majorly extending them jointly towards novel concepts of smart microfarming and urban computing continuum. Smart microfarming is proposed with applications of artificial intelligence in microfarming, while an urban computing continuum is proposed as a major extension of the concept towards an efficient IoT-edge-cloud continuum. We propose and build a system architecture for a plant recommendation system that uses machine learning at the edge to find, from a pool of given plants, the most suitable ones for a given microfarm using monitored soil values obtained from IoT sensor devices. Moreover, we propose to integrate long-distance LoRa communication solution for sending the data from IoT to the edge system, due to its unlicensed nature and potential for open source implementations. Finally, we propose to integrate open source and less constrained application protocol solutions, such as AMQP and HTTP protocols, for storing the data in the cloud. An experimental setup is used to evaluate and analyze the performance and reliability of the data collection procedure and the quality of the recommendation solution. Furthermore, collaborative filtering is used for the completion of an incomplete information about soils and plants. Finally, various ML algorithms are applied to identify and recommend the optimal plan for a specific microfarm in an urban area.
Abstract:Terahertz (THz) communications and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) have been recently proposed to enable various powerful indoor applications, such as wireless virtual reality (VR). For an efficient servicing of VR users, an efficient THz channel allocation solution becomes a necessity. Assuming that RIS component is the most critical one in enabling the service, we investigate the impact of RIS hardware failure on channel allocation performance. To this end, we study a THz network that employs THz operated RISs acting as base stations, servicing VR users. We propose a Semi-Markov decision Process (SMDP)-based channel allocation model to ensure the reliability of THz connection, while maximizing the total long-term expected system reward, considering the system gains, costs of channel utilization, and the penalty of RIS failure. The SMDP-based model of the RIS system is formulated by defining the state space, action space, reward model, and transition probability distribution. We propose an optimal iterative algorithm for channel allocation that decides the next action at each system state. The results show the average reward and VR service blocking probability under different scenarios and with various VR service arrivals and RIS failure rates, as first step towards feasible VR services over unreliable THz RIS.
Abstract:Artificial intelligence (AI) is an extensive scientific discipline which enables computer systems to solve problems by emulating complex biological processes such as learning, reasoning and self-correction. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the application of AI techniques for improving performance of optical communication systems and networks. The use of AI-based techniques is first studied in applications related to optical transmission, ranging from the characterization and operation of network components to performance monitoring, mitigation of nonlinearities, and quality of transmission estimation. Then, applications related to optical network control and management are also reviewed, including topics like optical network planning and operation in both transport and access networks. Finally, the paper also presents a summary of opportunities and challenges in optical networking where AI is expected to play a key role in the near future.