The syntactic structure of a sentence can be described as a tree that indicates the syntactic relationships between words. In spite of significant progress in unsupervised methods that retrieve the syntactic structure of sentences, guessing the right direction of edges is still a challenge. As in a syntactic dependency structure edges are oriented away from the root, the challenge of guessing the right direction can be reduced to finding an undirected tree and the root. The limited performance of current unsupervised methods demonstrates the lack of a proper understanding of what a root vertex is from first principles. We consider an ensemble of centrality scores, some that only take into account the free tree (non-spatial scores) and others that take into account the position of vertices (spatial scores). We test the hypothesis that the root vertex is an important or central vertex of the syntactic dependency structure. We confirm that hypothesis and find that the best performance in guessing the root is achieved by novel scores that only take into account the position of a vertex and that of its neighbours. We provide theoretical and empirical foundations towards a universal notion of rootness from a network science perspective.