Upward lightning (UL) has become an increasingly important threat to wind turbines as ever more of them are being installed for renewably producing electricity. The taller the wind turbine the higher the risk that the type of lightning striking the man-made structure is UL. UL can be much more destructive than downward lightning due to its long lasting initial continuous current leading to a large charge transfer within the lightning discharge process. Current standards for the risk assessment of lightning at wind turbines mainly take the summer lightning activity into account, which is inferred from LLS. Ground truth lightning current measurements reveal that less than 50% of UL might be detected by lightning location systems (LLS). This leads to a large underestimation of the proportion of LLS-non-detectable UL at wind turbines, which is the dominant lightning type in the cold season. This study aims to assess the risk of LLS-detectable and LLS-non-detectable UL at wind turbines using direct UL measurements at the Gaisberg Tower (Austria) and S\"antis Tower (Switzerland). Direct UL observations are linked to meteorological reanalysis data and joined by random forests, a powerful machine learning technique. The meteorological drivers for the non-/occurrence of LLS-detectable and LLS-non-detectable UL, respectively, are found from the random forest models trained at the towers and have large predictive skill on independent data. In a second step the results from the tower-trained models are extended to a larger study domain (Central and Northern Germany). The tower-trained models for LLS-detectable lightning is independently verified at wind turbine locations in that domain and found to reliably diagnose that type of UL. Risk maps based on case study events show that high diagnosed probabilities in the study domain coincide with actual UL events.