Radiology report summarization is a growing area of research. Given the Findings and/or Background sections of a radiology report, the goal is to generate a summary (called an Impression section) that highlights the key observations and conclusions of the radiology study. Recent efforts have released systems that achieve promising performance as measured by widely used summarization metrics such as BLEU and ROUGE. However, the research area of radiology report summarization currently faces important limitations. First, most of the results are reported on private datasets. This limitation prevents the ability to reproduce results and fairly compare different systems and solutions. Secondly, to the best of our knowledge, most research is carried out on chest X-rays. Sometimes, studies even omit to mention the concerned modality and anatomy in the radiology reports used for their experiments. To palliate these limitations, we propose a new dataset of six different modalities and anatomies based on the MIMIC-III database. We further release our results and the data splits used to carry out our experiments. Finally, we propose a simple report summarization system that outperforms the previous replicable research on the existing dataset.