Bootstrapping and rollout are two fundamental principles for value function estimation in reinforcement learning (RL). We introduce a novel class of Bellman operators, called subgraph Bellman operators, that interpolate between bootstrapping and rollout methods. Our estimator, derived by solving the fixed point of the empirical subgraph Bellman operator, combines the strengths of the bootstrapping-based temporal difference (TD) estimator and the rollout-based Monte Carlo (MC) methods. Specifically, the error upper bound of our estimator approaches the optimal variance achieved by TD, with an additional term depending on the exit probability of a selected subset of the state space. At the same time, the estimator exhibits the finite-sample adaptivity of MC, with sample complexity depending only on the occupancy measure of this subset. We complement the upper bound with an information-theoretic lower bound, showing that the additional term is unavoidable given a reasonable sample size. Together, these results establish subgraph Bellman estimators as an optimal and adaptive framework for reconciling TD and MC methods in policy evaluation.