We consider the problem of finding the asymptotic capacity of symmetric private information retrieval (SPIR) with $B$ Byzantine servers. Prior to finding the capacity, a definition for the Byzantine servers is needed since in the literature there are two different definitions. In \cite{byzantine_tpir}, where it was first defined, the Byzantine servers can send any symbol from the storage, their received queries and some independent random symbols. In \cite{unresponsive_byzantine_1}, Byzantine servers send any random symbol independently of their storage and queries. It is clear that these definitions are not identical, especially when \emph{symmetric} privacy is required. To that end, we define Byzantine servers, inspired by \cite{byzantine_tpir}, as the servers that can share everything, before and after the scheme initiation. In this setting, we find an upper bound, for an infinite number of messages case, that should be satisfied for all schemes that protect against this setting and develop a scheme that achieves this upper bound. Hence, we identify the capacity of the problem.