We present a technique for developing a network of re-used features, where the topology is formed using a coarse learning method, that allows gradient-descent fine tuning, known as an Abstract Deep Network (ADN). New features are built based on observed co-occurrences, and the network is maintained using a selection process related to evolutionary algorithms. This allows coarse ex- ploration of the problem space, effective for irregular domains, while gradient descent allows pre- cise solutions. Accuracy on standard UCI and Protein-Structure Prediction problems is comparable with benchmark SVM and optimized GBML approaches, and shows scalability for addressing large problems. The discrete implementation is symbolic, allowing interpretability, while the continuous method using fine-tuning shows improved accuracy. The binary multiplexer problem is explored, as an irregular domain that does not support gradient descent learning, showing solution to the bench- mark 135-bit problem. A convolutional implementation is demonstrated on image classification, showing an error-rate of 0.79% on the MNIST problem, without a pre-defined topology. The ADN system provides a method for developing a very sparse, deep feature topology, based on observed relationships between features, that is able to find solutions in irregular domains, and initialize a network prior to gradient descent learning.