One of the main and largely unexplored challenges in evolving the weights of neural networks using genetic algorithms is to find a sensible crossover operation between parent networks. Indeed, naive crossover leads to functionally damaged offspring that do not retain information from the parents. This is because neural networks are invariant to permutations of neurons, giving rise to multiple ways of representing the same solution. This is often referred to as the competing conventions problem. In this paper, we propose a two-step safe crossover(SC) operator. First, the neurons of the parents are functionally aligned by computing how well they correlate, and only then are the parents recombined. We compare two ways of measuring relationships between neurons: Pairwise Correlation (PwC) and Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). We test our safe crossover operators (SC-PwC and SC-CCA) on MNIST and CIFAR-10 by performing arithmetic crossover on the weights of feed-forward neural network pairs. We show that it effectively transmits information from parents to offspring and significantly improves upon naive crossover. Our method is computationally fast,can serve as a way to explore the fitness landscape more efficiently and makes safe crossover a potentially promising operator in future neuroevolution research and applications.