Function-as-a-Service is a cloud computing paradigm offering an event-driven execution model to applications. It features serverless attributes by eliminating resource management responsibilities from developers and offers transparent and on-demand scalability of applications. Typical serverless applications have stringent response time and scalability requirements and therefore rely on deployed services to provide quick and fault-tolerant feedback to clients. However, the FaaS paradigm suffers from cold starts as there is a non-negligible delay associated with on-demand function initialization. This work focuses on reducing the frequency of cold starts on the platform by using Reinforcement Learning. Our approach uses Q-learning and considers metrics such as function CPU utilization, existing function instances, and response failure rate to proactively initialize functions in advance based on the expected demand. The proposed solution was implemented on Kubeless and was evaluated using a normalised real-world function demand trace with matrix multiplication as the workload. The results demonstrate a favourable performance of the RL-based agent when compared to Kubeless' default policy and function keep-alive policy by improving throughput by up to 8.81% and reducing computation load and resource wastage by up to 55% and 37%, respectively, which is a direct outcome of reduced cold starts.