Few resources represent implicit roles for natural language understanding, and existing studies in NLP only make coarse distinctions between categories of arguments omitted from linguistic form. In this paper, we design a typology for fine-grained implicit argument annotation on top of Universal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation's foundational layer (Abend and Rappoport, 2013). Our design aligns with O'Gorman (2019)'s implicit role interpretation in a linguistic and computational model. The proposed implicit argument categorisation set consists of six types: Deictic, Generic, Genre-based, Type-identifiable, Non-specific, and Iterated-set. We corroborate the theory by reviewing and refining part of the UCCA EWT corpus and providing a new dataset alongside comparative analysis with other schemes. It is anticipated that our study will inspire tailored design of implicit role annotation in other meaning representation frameworks, and stimulate research in relevant fields, such as coreference resolution and question answering.