Hyperparameter tuning is a common technique for improving the performance of neural networks. Most techniques for hyperparameter search involve an iterated process where the model is retrained at every iteration. However, the expected accuracy improvement from every additional search iteration, is still unknown. Calculating the expected improvement can help create stopping rules for hyperparameter tuning and allow for a wiser allocation of a project's computational budget. In this paper, we establish an empirical estimate for the expected accuracy improvement from an additional iteration of hyperparameter search. Our results hold for any hyperparameter tuning method which is based on random search \cite{bergstra2012random} and samples hyperparameters from a fixed distribution. We bound our estimate with an error of $O\left(\sqrt{\frac{\log k}{k}}\right)$ w.h.p. where $k$ is the current number of iterations. To the best of our knowledge this is the first bound on the expected gain from an additional iteration of hyperparameter search. Finally, we demonstrate that the optimal estimate for the expected accuracy will still have an error of $\frac{1}{k}$.