We introduce a quantization-aware training algorithm that guarantees avoiding numerical overflow when reducing the precision of accumulators during inference. We leverage weight normalization as a means of constraining parameters during training using accumulator bit width bounds that we derive. We evaluate our algorithm across multiple quantized models that we train for different tasks, showing that our approach can reduce the precision of accumulators while maintaining model accuracy with respect to a floating-point baseline. We then show that this reduction translates to increased design efficiency for custom FPGA-based accelerators. Finally, we show that our algorithm not only constrains weights to fit into an accumulator of user-defined bit width, but also increases the sparsity and compressibility of the resulting weights. Across all of our benchmark models trained with 8-bit weights and activations, we observe that constraining the hidden layers of quantized neural networks to fit into 16-bit accumulators yields an average 98.2% sparsity with an estimated compression rate of 46.5x all while maintaining 99.2% of the floating-point performance.