Constructing useful representations across a large number of tasks is a key requirement for sample-efficient intelligent systems. A traditional idea in multitask learning (MTL) is building a shared representation across tasks which can then be adapted to new tasks by tuning last layers. A desirable refinement of using a shared one-fits-all representation is to construct task-specific representations. To this end, recent PathNet/muNet architectures represent individual tasks as pathways within a larger supernet. The subnetworks induced by pathways can be viewed as task-specific representations that are composition of modules within supernet's computation graph. This work explores the pathways proposal from the lens of statistical learning: We first develop novel generalization bounds for empirical risk minimization problems learning multiple tasks over multiple paths (Multipath MTL). In conjunction, we formalize the benefits of resulting multipath representation when adapting to new downstream tasks. Our bounds are expressed in terms of Gaussian complexity, lead to tangible guarantees for the class of linear representations, and provide novel insights into the quality and benefits of a multipath representation. When computation graph is a tree, Multipath MTL hierarchically clusters the tasks and builds cluster-specific representations. We provide further discussion and experiments for hierarchical MTL and rigorously identify the conditions under which Multipath MTL is provably superior to traditional MTL approaches with shallow supernets.