Despite the empirical success of deep learning, it still lacks theoretical understandings to explain why randomly initialized neural network trained by first-order optimization methods is able to achieve zero training loss, even though its landscape is non-convex and non-smooth. Recently, there are some works to demystifies this phenomenon under over-parameterized regime. In this work, we make further progress on this area by considering a commonly used momentum optimization algorithm: Nesterov accelerated method (NAG). We analyze the convergence of NAG for two-layer fully connected neural network with ReLU activation. Specifically, we prove that the error of NAG converges to zero at a linear convergence rate $1-\Theta(1/\sqrt{\kappa})$, where $\kappa > 1$ is determined by the initialization and the architecture of neural network. Comparing to the rate $1-\Theta(1/\kappa)$ of gradient descent, NAG achieves an acceleration. Besides, it also validates NAG and Heavy-ball method can achieve a similar convergence rate.