A key problem in a variety of applications is that of domain adaptation from a public source domain, for which a relatively large amount of labeled data with no privacy constraints is at one's disposal, to a private target domain, for which a private sample is available with very few or no labeled data. In regression problems with no privacy constraints on the source or target data, a discrepancy minimization algorithm based on several theoretical guarantees was shown to outperform a number of other adaptation algorithm baselines. Building on that approach, we design differentially private discrepancy-based algorithms for adaptation from a source domain with public labeled data to a target domain with unlabeled private data. The design and analysis of our private algorithms critically hinge upon several key properties we prove for a smooth approximation of the weighted discrepancy, such as its smoothness with respect to the $\ell_1$-norm and the sensitivity of its gradient. Our solutions are based on private variants of Frank-Wolfe and Mirror-Descent algorithms. We show that our adaptation algorithms benefit from strong generalization and privacy guarantees and report the results of experiments demonstrating their effectiveness.